Deaf Gathering: Gavin Lilley
- 1h 30m
- Duration 1h 30m
- Type General Entertainment
1.5 hours long with a short 10 minute interval | 18+ | Captioned, BSL | £14/£12
As part of our Deaf Gathering Cymru festival, deaf comedian Gavin Lilley will be bringing his hilarious stories to Cardiff!
Drawing on his experiences as a sign language user, a traveller and a weary father of three, his cringing moments and experiences from his eventful life will make you chortle.
Gavin’s performed all over the UK and Europe, using a range of sign languages, bringing laughter to deaf and hearing audiences alike, through his interpreter
Grab this opportunity to share his unique perspectives on our diverse cultures – and those habits we’d rather keep to ourselves – through his masterful hands!
This performance is in BSL with voice interpretation and captions and is suitable for D/deaf and hearing audiences.

Information on access in our building and the support we offer for our programme and hires spaces.