The main entrance of Chapter in the distance, with some plants in the foreground.


The Fire Inside (12A)

  • 2024
  • 1h 49m
  • USA


  • Directed by Rachel Morrison
  • Origin USA
  • Year 2024
  • Duration 1h 49m
  • Certificate 12A
  • Type Film

Claressa is a teenager with a mother struggling alone with her two siblings. They live in a rundown neighbourhood in Flint, Michigan (a city that had been facing deep poverty long before the decade-long water poisoning crisis). Amongst the difficulties of her everyday life, she finds release in her boxing club, which coach Jason changed the rules to allow her to join. Jason changed the rules because Claressa has a fighting spirit in her and talent, good enough for the Olympics. This is the inspirational true story, written with sensitivity and empathy by Barry Jenkins (Moonlight) and the fierce debut film by pioneering award-winning cinematographer Rachel Morrison (Mudbound; Fruitvale Station; Black Panther).

What people are saying

With a thoughtful script written by Moonlight filmmaker Barry Jenkins, Morrison’s profound debut…is a humanist story, whose every hard-hitting beat and aching emotion is also truly earned.”

—Robert Daniels, Screen International

Trailers & clips
