The main entrance of Chapter in the distance, with some plants in the foreground.


The Goldman Case (12A)

  • 2023
  • 1h 55m
  • France


  • Directed by Cédric Khan
  • Origin France
  • Year 2023
  • Duration 1h 55m
  • Certificate 12A
  • Type Film

France | 2023 | 115’ | 12a | Cédric Kahn | French with English subtitles | Arieh Worthalter, Arthur Harari

In 1975 the trial of French left-wing activist Pierre Goldman gripped France. Accused of murdering two pharmacists in a bungled robbery, he vigorously denied the charges and over time it became clear that state violence and Anti-Semitism were being judged too.

With award-winning performances and claustrophobic cinematography inspired by the 70s documentary style that transports the viewer into the heart of the drama, this is an unmissable and thrilling look at revolutionary politics and the thin line that separates prejudice and truth.

Trailers & clips


The main entrance of Chapter in the distance, with some plants in the foreground.

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