Timestalker (15)
- 2024
- 1h 30m
- Wales
- Directed by Alice Lowe
- Origin Wales
- Year 2024
- Duration 1h 30m
- Certificate 15
- Type Film
Wales | 2024 | 90’ | 15 | Alice Lowe | Alice Lowe, Aneurin Barnard, Nick Frost, Jacob Anderson, Tanya Reynolds, Mike Wozniak, Kate Dickie, Gerald Tyler, Boyd Clack
+ Q&A following the 5pm screening on Saturday 12 October with director Alice Lowe and Director of Photography Ryan Eddleston, hosted by our Cinema Programme Manager Claire Vaughan.
Hapless Agnes is an incurable romantic who is reincarnated every time she makes the same mistake of falling for the wrong man, and unfortunately does this over and over again.
We take a romp through history with our heroine living through the thrills and spills that come with daring to follow your heart. Can Agnes ever wise up or is she destined to always be a fool for love? After the success of Cardiff-set Prevenge, Alice Lowe brings her absurdist and dazzlingly dark humour back to the big screen.

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