A note about ticket fees
We’re taking a bit of time today to explain two new fees to our tickets, and to give some context on why they’re being introduced this month.
It goes without saying that the last few years have been incredibly difficult for several charities and businesses in the local area and across Wales. We are seeing a huge increase in our utilities, and now as a result of the initial cost of living crisis last year, we are seeing a compounded transfer of that cost from our suppliers to us.
It’s vitally important that Chapter is affordable and available to as many people as possible, everyone has a fundamental right to access arts, performance, films and events that imagine future worlds. We have ensured that the last 51 years have been as affordable as possible, and so we are making these decisions now to ensure that we’ll keep Chapter open for all, for the next 51 years at least!
From the 11 of December we will be introducing the following fees for all tickets:
Transaction Fees (£1 per transaction)
Ticket Exchange Fees (£1.50 per transaction)
Transaction and exchange fees are being introduced to be able to cover the rising costs of the financial and technical systems that we use to administrate our box office. Some FAQ’s about these new fees below:
Will this mean I get charged an extra £1 on every ticket?
No, you will only be charged per transaction, so wether you book one ticket or ten tickets at once, the £1 Transaction Fee will be the same.
What if I book in person or over the phone?
Regardless of how or where you book your tickets, the Transaction Fee will always apply, as we will always use the same systems.
What about free tickets? Do they have a transaction fee?
At the minute we are not charging a transaction fee for free tickets such as our Free Family Films or other free events.
How do I find out about your films/performances in the future?
The best way to see all our listings is either on www.chapter.org/whats-on or by signing up to our mailing list to receive our biweekly film guide.
Why is this being introduced now?
The spiralling cost of utilities and services has meant that our current prices were unsustainable, we have introduced this small fee to be able to ensure we can keep bringing you the best Welsh, UK and international film screenings, performances, art exhibitions and events of all things in between.
When are you introducing the fees?
Transaction Fees and Exchange Fees will come into effect from 10am, 11 December.
Is there any way to avoid the fees?
Sign up for a Ffrindiau Chapter Friends Card to receive a whole range of benefits, which include avoiding all Transaction and Exchange Fees. Sign up here to make amazing things happen at Chapter and receive some great perks while you’re at it.
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