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The main entrance of Chapter in the distance, with some plants in the foreground.


It's A Wonderful Life (U)

  • 1946
  • 2h 10m
  • USA


  • Directed by Frank Capra
  • Origin USA
  • Year 1946
  • Duration 2h 10m
  • Certificate U
  • Type Film

USA | 1946 | 130’ | U | Frank Capra |James Stewart, Donna Reed, Lionel Barrymore, Henry Travers, Thomas Mitchell

It’s Christmas Eve and George, who has long considered himself a failure, faces financial ruin and is in the depths of despair. High above his home of Bedford Falls two celestial voices discuss his dilemma and send down bumbling angel Clarence to show George that he is valued in the world. A true Christmas classic, this is a heart-warming tale that shows the power of community and acceptance that life cannot be perfect, but it is nevertheless wonderful.  

Trailers & clips
