The Big Christmas Assembly!
- 2h 0m
Coming soon
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- Performance
Drones Comedy Club 2024
- Performance
Theatr Iolo: The Welsh Dragon
Pan fydd waliau castell yng Nghymru yn dechrau dymchwel oherwydd y ddwy ddraig sy’n byw yn y ddaeargell, dim ond rhywun â threftadaeth Gymreig bur all dawelu’r frwydr... ond sut mae gwybod os yw rhywun yn Gymro ai peidio?
- Performance
Sing to Stay Alive: Datblygiad Artistiaid gyda Jenny Moore a Wild Mix
Convening a mix of local artists, movers, makers, and musicians, this workshop will foster collaborative, cross-arts environments led by lead artist Jenny Moore and members of the Wild Mix company
- Performance
Marikiscrycrycry: Goner
The Goner is someone who is doomed with no chance of survival—bound to death, a lost and hopeless case. This work follows this figure on a sensuous, suspense-filled and fearsome choreographic journey into the psychological depths of the Goner’s horror.